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Water is indispensable resources for eight billion people living on the earth. And access to clean water is indispensable and challenges to the world and in particular sub Saharan Africa countries. As a result of this, millions people are facing severe food insecure globally.
Due to climate change challenges, extremely shortage of surface water have been experienced in many parts of the world. However, it has to be noted that 93% of the global water are groundwater, only 3% are surface water. Access to ground water resources is the biggest challenge that we are facing today.
Hashi Consulting services and Research Center deals with the following Hydrogeology areas to contribute to the global water shortage problem.

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Navigate the complexities of the energy market across policy, regulations, and technologies with actionable, commercial insights into some of the world’s fastest-changing markets.

Providing leading independent research, analysis, forecasts and consultation on the oil, gas/LNG and NGLs markets.

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